Daniel Heffington To All Instructors

Teacher Bio: Daniel Heffington is a guitarist, songwriter, and recording artist. He grew up in Virginia Beach, Virginia, where he was homeschooled by parents who were professional music educators. Daniel has played guitar since his grandfather gave him one at age 15. (He had previously sworn that he would never play guitar because he felt like it was a cliche amongst his teenage friends. He changed his mind and hasn't looked back.)


Daniel lives in Berryville, Virginia with his wife, Abigail, their two daughters, Ellie and Piper, and their son, Tuck. He is one of the worship leaders at his church (Cornerstone Chapel in Leesburg, Virginia) and regularly serves as a guest worship leader at conferences, summer camps, and churches around Virginia and the US. Daniel has released a growing catalog of original music on all major music platforms and streaming services and he regularly plays shows throughout Virginia and D.C.


In addition to music, Daniel has a heart for justice, advocacy, and empowering future leaders. He pursues these goals by serving as part of the core teaching staff at HSLDA's Generation Joshua.

Current Classes
Guitar for beginners/intermediate – (open)