Dr. Doug Favelo To All Instructors

Patrick Henry College Chairman of the Department of Classical Liberal Arts; Professor of History

Email: [email protected]

Educational Background:
Ph.D. in History, University of California Los Angeles
M.A. in Classics, University of California Los Angeles
M.A. in History, University of California Los Angeles
M.A. in History, California State University Fresno
B.A. in History, California State University Fresno

Dr. Favelo teaches courses in the history of western civilization, Roman history, Greek history, Greek, Latin, and historical research methods at Patrick Henry College. Prior to coming to Patrick Henry College, he served for ten years as a lecturer at California State University Fresno, teaching history, literature, and Latin.

Dr. Favelo is heavily involved in the classical education and homeschool communities. He has taught hundreds of students Latin, Greek, history, and literature, and has spoken at homeschooling conferences on the topic of classical Christian education.

Dr. Favelo's passion is to facilitate students in their intellectual and spiritual development, primarily through the medium of a rigorous, Biblically-centered classical education, to the greater glory of God. He, his wife, and his six children live on a mountain farm in Loudoun County, VA, where they raise pigs, cows, and chickens.

Current Classes
HS History of Western Civilization – (closed)
HS Western Literature – (closed)
History of Western Civilization I - Ancients to the Reformation – (open)
History of Western Civilization II - 1600's to 21st Century – (open)