Bijan Gilanshah To All Instructors

I've been married for 25 years now to my amazing wife (her bio says I'm the amazing one--not true) and four awesome kids, two girls and two boys, ranging in age from 22 to 15.   I've been an attorney for the U.S. government for over 25 years (which still shocks me!).  Most of my time has been spent doing international law work at the National Science Foundation.  I've been blessed to have been able to help build major telescopes, work on research ships and even hurricane hunting aircraft projects.   As the senior attorney to the United States Antarctic Program, I've been to Antarctica three times, including the South Pole.  Brrrrrrrrr, but penguins are super cool.  :)  It's been a great privilege to push U.S. interests in the international arena for these many years.   I love to run and try to stay in shape, primarily because I also like to eat.  I help coach Varsity Boys Basketball with the Loudoun County Patriots.  I also like cars.  If you take my class, maybe you get a ride in a '69 convertible Camaro. . . 

Current Classes
American Government (11th-12th Grades, SPRING ONLY) – (open)