Chris Rogan To All Instructors

Christopher Rogan, Esq.
I have been a business attorney for 35 years, representing clients in a wide variety of business transactions and litigation, throughout Virginia, Maryland
and DC. My practice has primarily focused on the representation of individuals and businesses in financial matters including debtor/creditor law,
bankruptcy and financial restructuring and reorganization. Prior to the formation of my law firm, RoganMillerZimmerman, PLLC, I worked in other
firms of various sizes and as in-house general counsel to a Northern Virginia technology company. The best part of my job is solving problems and helping
people navigate some of the most difficult and stressful times of their lives. I received my undergraduate degree from a small Christian college, Barrington
College (now Gordon College), studied Architecture at Maryland University and obtained a Juris Doctor degree from George Mason University School of
Law, where I met my bride, Melissa. We have 5 children, ages 17 – 31, all of whom we (... mostly she) homeschooled from K-12.

Current Classes
Financial Literacy (10th-12th) – (open)